Tandem flight
Cuyabeno National Park, Amazonia, Ecuador 🇪🇨
Today the Quebec authorities are talking about reopening businesses in the near future, a wind of hope that suddenly rises on the Belle Province... Thank goodness the epidemic hasn't hit us too hard here, at least that's what they want us to believe... This pandemic is a disaster for humanity and shows us how fragile our lives are, that the human species is not invicible and that at any moment its survival may be threatened.
The sad reality is that while we are counting corpses, humanity and its ecosystem are doing better...It's true to say that misfortune of some makes the happiness of others...
Indeed, while we have lost freedom wars have stopped, consumption has ceased, money is no longer a priority, the stock markets have collapsed, the notion of time has been changed, cities are starting to shine again, animals find the territories that were stolen from them and the earth begins to breathe better again... The earth is sending us a message, are we going to listen to it?