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Forced departure

La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain 🇪🇸

Walking to the airport after returning my rental car... On the way to my flight to evacuate Tenerife. My last picture of Spain.

Even at that point, I wasn't sure if taking a flight to Paris with 12-hour stopover in Madrid was the best decision. I was worried that the borders of Spain would close, making me prisoner of Madrid airport which at the moment was in pretty bad shape. Even in this worrying situation and almost late for my flight, I couldn't stop myself from taking my camera for a few shots. Because it was too beautiful.

My best thoughts to all those who are suffering in any way because of the epidemic at the moment.

A special thought also to Spain with whom I have developed a special feeling the last two months and that I will carry in my heart forever!  I hope that you will get over the disease as soon as possible!

Be strong and keep hope.


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